A single asset view to

sync all systems

enable AI

unlock capital

identify risks

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Built AI first specifically for Utilities


Faster asset report generation


Longer asset lifecycles


Annual hours saved scoring

Single asset view on autopilot with AI

Data requests in seconds, not weeks

From six weeks to six seconds, Senpilot instantly returns requests

The weekend promise

Setup cloud buckets on Friday and have a Singe Asset View by Monday

Cleaner data

Automated data extraction, loading, and transformation

Effortlessly plug into current systems

Asset management made easy

Superhuman asset registry

Make better asset decisions faster and easier. Sync with multiple systems and leverage AI to keep your asset registry clean. All asset data together in one place.

Turbocharged reporting

Generate reports 50x faster. Leverage trained AI to write detailed reports, with substantive Utility specific calculations and insightful charts.

Ambient AI

Leap forward with ambient AI. Surveillance mode is integrated with ADMS and SCADA systems, flagging complex anomalies and patterns.

Latest AI x Utilities

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